There's Room in Space for Everyone: Consortium Building Through Outreach Activities
Anna’s Place NOLA, a multi-institutional and multi-generational project in New Orleans was able to leverage both their existing NASA relationship and private funding to attend the total eclipse in Morrilton Arkansas. They brought a fully trained workforce of grade 6-12 scientists to do so.
Their partnerships with Delgado Community College, Dillard University and The 1881 Institute of technology were able to provide more than 130 hours of Eclipse Specific and NASA ASTRO CAMP ® preparation for their students in the 2023-2024 Academic year. Older students were able to participate in the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project with College level teams in Morrilton Arkansas, providing additional outreach opportunities for NASA for the summer and 2024-2025 academic year sessions.
This Consortioum was made possible through OSTEM, Space Grant, two dedicated K-12 non-profit Institutions, student service hours and student outreach goals. We discuss the total contact hours of our participation in this project and how other institutions can form similar partnerships. Delgado Community College, Dillard University, and the 1881 Institute have adapted an age appropriate 6-12 Engineering payload program for the 2024-2025 Academic year. The multi-generational impact of near peer teaching within communities will be discussed.
Keywords: Ballooning, NASA ASTRO CAMP, K-12, Outreach, Eclipse
How to Cite:
Hightower-Hinawi, J. A., Scott, S., Overton, S. & Rivers, J. H., (2024) “There's Room in Space for Everyone: Consortium Building Through Outreach Activities”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2024(2). doi:
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