High-Altitude Research Platform (HARP): Modular Payload System for High Altitude Balloon Experiments for K-12 Outreach
The High-Altitude Research Platform (HARP) is intendedto be a cheaper alternative for scientific research in high-altitude, lowpressure, low temperature, and high radiation environments. It is a next bestscenario to launching a package with a major organization such as NASA orSpaceX into space. HARP uses ahigh-altitude balloon to carry a payload to an altitude between 100,000 ft and120,000 ft, where the environment is similar to that of the surface of Mars anda ground station that tracks the payload during the flight and transmits datato and from the payload. It has modularbays for multiple experiments to be loaded and flown together. HARP has two payloads. One payload houses the main flight systemswith various sensors, GPS, Iridium, APRS, cameras, telemetry systems, and wirelesscommunication system. Second payloadhouses up to eight experimental payloads. Each launch costs about $500, which includes consumables (gas, balloon,etc.) and travel for the chase team to recover the payloads. Each experimental payload is designed to be self-contained. Each of the experiments connect to main flightsystem using a wireless communication system. This prevents onemalfunctioning experiment to affect other experimental payloads or the mainflight systems. We provide K-12 schools andother researchers the base system which include all necessary hardware andsoftware to connect and interact with the main flight systems. The experiments can be shipped to us to be scheduledand flown on upcoming missions. Themodularity and wireless communication allows for flexibility and reliabilitywhile still providing access to basic sensor and telemetry information frommain flight system and also real-time communication with your experiments. This project dramatically improved ourcapabilities in high-altitude ballooning program and will provide phenomenalSTEM education opportunities; not only for our students but also to students atall levels across the country.
Keywords: High-altitude ballooning, STEM outreach
How to Cite:
Choi, A., (2019) “High-Altitude Research Platform (HARP): Modular Payload System for High Altitude Balloon Experiments for K-12 Outreach”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2018(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ahac.237
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