Zero Pressure Balloons for use in Undergraduate Studies
The HABET group at Iowa State University has been building and launching engineering payloads for years, to give students the ability to learn about the engineering involved in creating and launching payloads to near space conditions. This includes launching long duration zero pressure balloon payloads, in pursuit of this goal we have design and build our own zero pressure balloons. This year we explored new gore patterns, and looked at our fabrication methods ingore pattern on a standard hot air balloon gore, this year however we explored a tetrahedral gore pattern. The Tetrahedral gore pattern oered a simple and easily constructed design, which would allow for a potential increase in the number of zero pressure flights ISU HABET could conduct in a year.
How to Cite:
Harstad, E. & Peters, A., (2013) “Zero Pressure Balloons for use in Undergraduate Studies”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2013(1). doi: