Broadening Implementation of High Altitude Ballooning in Undergraduate Classes
During the fall of 2010 a marketing survey was conducted by Taylor University as part of the NSF CCLI award #1047557. The High Altitude Balloon Research Survey and Report were designed to accelerate learning concerning High Altitude Ballooning at educational institutions. The survey was sent to two and four year colleges in the United States and its territories and analysis was done at Taylor University in January 2011. The undergraduate institutions indicated that hands-on activities are a valued asset to any learning experience. Survey findings however, pointed to the lack of knowledge regarding near space opportunities and the role high altitude ballooning can have as a hands-on learning tool. Next steps to improving the level of knowledge and expanding the use of high altitude ballooning in undergraduate curriculums include broader dissemination of knowledge beyond the discipline specific journals and traditional fields of study.
How to Cite:
Gavin, S. D., Bates, M. J., Cornfield, K., Nheta, C. & Krueger, J., (2011) “Broadening Implementation of High Altitude Ballooning in Undergraduate Classes”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2011(1). doi: