Engaging the General Public with High Altitude Ballooning
The interest and excitement involved in performing a high altitude balloon (HAB) flight can be used to spark interest in science and engineering among members of the general public. High profile launches can highlight a ballooning program, recruit students, gain supporters, inspire children, and can disseminate scientific information to a broad range of citizens who might not otherwise have access. Using a recent HAB flight to commemorate the Grand Opening of the Do Space in Omaha, NE as an example, anecdotes and suggestions will be given on how to engage a large number of observers and how to effectively use social media to the advantage of your HAB program. From prior experiences in the Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) arena, the topics shared will highlight successes using Twitter, Facebook, Google Hangouts, Periscope, QR codes, and blogs.
How to Cite:
Sibbernsen, K., (2016) “Engaging the General Public with High Altitude Ballooning”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2016(1). doi: https://doi.org//ahac.9517
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