How Iridium Satellite Tracker Model 9602-LP Asset affects span of Control in High Altitude Ballooning
The Irdium Satellite Network has greatly increased safety in the ballooning field by enabling a greater span of control in flight awareness and termination. This enhanced awareness stems from accurate high interval GPS coordinates that can be integrated into ground station tracking software. The Iridium Network creates the ability to send activation commands remotely with high reliability using emails. Additionally this feature has the ability to use local rf transmitters and receivers to increase the flexibility of cutdown designs. The Iridium Modems provides significant coverage regardless of altitude and loss of ground communication. It is marketed at economical price point which allows the feasibility to integrate on a large scale. Server based data can be pulled from any internet capable device to increases the ease of access. Reliability plays a significant role, especially where low power Radio and Wifi communications come up short. Lastly the Iridium serves a valuable tool in recovery and aquisition of assets post flight.
How to Cite:
Hamby, S., (2017) “How Iridium Satellite Tracker Model 9602-LP Asset affects span of Control in High Altitude Ballooning”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2017(1). doi:
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