2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
The 2020 AHAC conference was held virtually due to COVID. Because of that, we relaxed our no paper, no podium policy and allowed people to present without a paper. Some entries will only have abstracts and presentation files and others may have a full paper associated with them.
Oral Presentations
A HAB Sabbatical and Balloons with Hydrogen
Rick Eason
2022-08-17 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Payload To Enable Recording Of Data And Communication Telemetry Y(While) Lofted (PTERODACTYL), with Stratospheric Ballooning Applications
Andrew Van Gerpen and James Flaten
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Possibilities for STEM engagement in the "Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project 2021-2025”
Randal Larimer
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Virtual Space Camp: Explore Near Space from the Comfort of Your Home!
Jililan Schmidt, Jill Davis, Yezad Anklesaria and Henry Pernicka
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Modifying and Calibrating Low-Cost Optical Particle Counters for Stratospheric Ballooning Use
Nathan Pharis, Joseph Habeck, Joel Douglas, Jacob Meiners, Asif Ally, Patrick Collins and James Flaten
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Active Stabilization for Imaging Devices
Maxx Mudd
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
A HAB Sabbatical and Balloons with Hydrogen
Rick Eason
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Balloon Borne Investigation Zenith Angle Dependence of Cosmic Ray Showers
Erick Paul Agrimson
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Waterproof Inline Flight Termination System for Ocean Bound High Altitude Balloons
Lance Donald Nichols, Isaac Hartman Schmidt and Tim Theodor Uhlenbruck
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Send an Amateur Radio High Altitude Balloon around the World
Bill Brown
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Poster Presentations
Stratospheric Ballooning Investigation of the 2023 and 2024 Eclipses
Erick Paul Agrimson, Anisa Tapper, Callie Korzeniowski, Gillian Durand, Judy Panmany and Hannah Kinney
2022-08-18 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
State-Wide STEM Student Engagement with High-Altitude Ballooning
Steven Jon Russell
2022-08-18 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Altitude Control System for High Altitude Helium Weather Balloons
Wilson Vogt, Chad Dunbar and Lance Nichols
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference
Ground Based Tracking System for High Altitude Weather Balloons
Larson Dean Brandstetter, Adam Wulfing and Chad Dunbar
2022-08-20 2020 Academic High Altitude Conference