Vitamin E Supplementation Strategies for Newly Received Feedlot Cattle
Increasing doses (0, 150, 500, or 1,000 IU/d) of supplemental vitamin E (VE) fed to newly received steers linearly increased VE status and 150 IU/steer/d was adequate to prevent a decline in VE status over the 26-d trial. Although feedlot performance was not affected by supplemental VE treatments, the highest VE dose (1,000 IU/d) resulted in greater Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus antibody titers 20 d after receiving a booster vaccine. The positive effects of VE on antibody titers in the current study, suggest supplemental VE is an effective nutritional strategy for supporting immune system function. Further research is needed to determine the optimal dose and timing of VE supplementation for newly received cattle with specific emphasis on resiliency to, and recovery from, stressful events.
Keywords: beef cattle, vitamin E, receiving cattle, immunity
How to Cite:
Deters, E. & Hansen, S. L., (2021) “Vitamin E Supplementation Strategies for Newly Received Feedlot Cattle”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 17(1). doi:
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