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The Impact of Training and Facilitation of Farmers in Livestock Rearing and Farmer’s Experiences of the Livestock Development Program in Kamuli, Uganda

  • Agatha Ampaire (Iowa State University)
  • Max F. Rothschild (Iowa State University)


For several years Iowa State University’s Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL) has conducted a livestock development program in Uganda by giving animals and training very poor farmers in animal management. A study was carried out by interviewing 113 farmers to determine the impact of the program. A total of 40(G1) farmers had received considerable facilitation and training, 33(G2) had received some facilitation and less training, and 39(G3) had not received any facilitation or special training. Data were analyzed using standard statistics. Results indicated that members of G1 performed better than members of G2 and G3 on several measures including they had fewer sick pigs in the 6 months preceding the study (P<0.05), they had sold more animals (P<0.01), and they felt that their households consumed enough livestock products (P<0.01). These results demonstrate that training and facilitating farmers had a positive impact on their livelihoods and nutrition.

Keywords: ASL R2665

How to Cite:

Ampaire, A. & Rothschild, M. F., (2011) “The Impact of Training and Facilitation of Farmers in Livestock Rearing and Farmer’s Experiences of the Livestock Development Program in Kamuli, Uganda”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 8(1). doi:

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