Factors Affecting Ruminal Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration of Cattle
Ruminal hydrogen sulfide concentrations may be a useful tool to determine risk of cattle developing sulfurinduced polioencephalomalacia. In this study, steers were fed a low sulfur (0.2% S) or a high sulfur diet (0.7% S) and ruminal hydrogen sulfide concentrations were measured. Although differences in ruminal hydrogen sulfide due to sulfur intake were maintained throughout the day, concentrations within treatment varied greatly throughout the day. Ruminal hydrogen sulfide concentrations peaked during the period from 6 to 10 hours after feeding. More research is needed to develop a threshold of ruminal hydrogen sulfide that may cause polioencephalomalacia. Additionally, time of sampling after feeding will need to be standardized for this risk assessment method to be successful.
Keywords: ASL R2587
How to Cite:
Drewnoski, M., Beitz, D. C., Loy, D. D., Hansen, S. L. & Ensley, S. M., (2011) “Factors Affecting Ruminal Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration of Cattle”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 8(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-465
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