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A University-Wide Compost Facility: Second-year Summary

  • Mark S. Honeyman (Iowa State University)
  • Tim Goode (Iowa State University)
  • Steve Jonas (Iowa State University)
  • Kapil Arora (Iowa State University)


The University Compost Facility opened late in 2008 and now has completed two full years of operation. This report is for the 12-month period of November 1, 2009 through October 31, 2010. The facility receives manure and biomass from several ISU facilities: the Dairy Farm, Animal Science Teaching Farms, including the horse barns, Campus Services (yard and greenhouse waste), ISU Dining (food waste), Ag Engineering/Agronomy Farm, BioCentury Research Farm, Plant Introduction Station, Reiman Gardens, Horticulture Station, and others. A total of 8,245 tons were received in the 12-month period (Table 1). About 77% of the incoming material came from the Dairy Farm. The facility generated compost and amended soil primarily for campus use. A total of 5,495 tons was outgoing from the facility (Table 1), of which 2,234 tons was low quality compost or manure that was applied to cropland in spring 2010. The severe winter prevented this material from composting completely. The primary product of the facility was amended soil; approximately 2,751 tons of amended soil was generated. Amended soil is a blend of compost, soil and sand. The ISU Compost Facility continues to serve a unique and vital role in assisting ISU be “greener” and more sustainable. The staff continues to learn how to improve the management of the compost to benefit the university.

Keywords: ASL R2616

How to Cite:

Honeyman, M. S., Goode, T., Jonas, S. & Arora, K., (2011) “A University-Wide Compost Facility: Second-year Summary”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 8(1). doi:

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