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Lameness and Welfare of Cattle: Extension Program Activities and Accomplishments

  • Jan K. Shearer (Iowa State University)


Lameness of dairy and beef cattle continues to be an extension program priority. Over the previous 12 month period, we conducted 10 training programs (under the heading of the ISU Master Hoof Care Program) on foot care and claw trimming to trimmers and dairy farm managers throughout the United States. Most of these programs are conducted in Spanish to address the needs of the dairy industry’s multi-cultural workforce. Similar programs were provided to veterinary students at Iowa State University, the University of Minnesota and the University of Florida. These programs consist of approximately a half day of classroom and 1 to 2 days of claw trimming on cadavers and live animals. Beyond these, multiple on-farm visits were conducted to review lameness problems and/or foot care programs in Iowa and elsewhere in the US. Lameness of cattle has also been the subject of presentations delivered at Iowa Dairy Days and multiple other conferences in Iowa and beyond.

Keywords: ASL R2608

How to Cite:

Shearer, J. K., (2011) “Lameness and Welfare of Cattle: Extension Program Activities and Accomplishments”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 8(1). doi:

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