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Veterinary Extension Program Activities and Accomplishments: Lameness and Welfare of Cattle

  • Jan K. Shearer (Iowa State University)


Lameness of dairy and beef cattle is an extension program priority. In dairy cattle lameness represents the single most costly clinical disease of dairy cattle (Guard, 2009). It is usually less of a problem in cow/calf herds and stocker cattle operations, and a bigger problem in feedlot steers and heifers. Over the previous 12 month period, we have conducted multiple training programs (under the heading of the ISU Master Hoof Care Program) on foot care and claw trimming to trimmers and dairy farm managers throughout the United States. As profit margins on feeder cattle improve, we anticipate that there will be increased demand for foot care services by the feeder cattle industry. For this to happen, a few gaps in our current understanding of lameness in feeder cattle must be addressed. For example, what are the predominant lameness problems in feedlot cattle, what are the underlying causes, what can we do about them and at what cost? For example, are lameness disorders sufficient to justify the expense of foot care facilities, equipment and training of hospital crews?

Keywords: ASL R2710

How to Cite:

Shearer, J. K., (2012) “Veterinary Extension Program Activities and Accomplishments: Lameness and Welfare of Cattle”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 9(1). doi:

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