What Is It Worth? The Economic Value of Manure Testing
In many ways, farming is often an exercise in decision-making in uncertain conditions. Agricultural systems are complex, highly variable, and conditions are continuously changing. Moreover, the variable conditions mean that the farmer often lacks information that could be used to make more informed decisions. Sampling and testing can provide farmers with more information, which they can use to improve their decisions. To evaluate the monetary value of manure testing, an economic model was developed. Using published literature values of manure nutrient concentrations and other agronomic factors as inputs, this model assesses how production expenses and incomes change with knowledge of manure’s nutrient content. This work demonstrated that manure testing is an important part of maximizing the value of manure; moreover, it is known to be a best management practice for environmental protection.
Keywords: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, ASL R2985
How to Cite:
Regan, K. B. & Andersen, D. S., (2015) “What Is It Worth? The Economic Value of Manure Testing”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 12(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-1306
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