Effect of WUR Genotype and PRRS Vaccination on Pigs Co-Infected with PRRS and PCV2b
Average daily gain (ADG) and viral load (VL) were evaluated for pigs co-infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus (PRRSV) and porcine circovirus type 2b (PCV2b). Pigs were pre-selected for WUR genotype (a marker on chromosome 4 associated with weight gain and VL under PRRSV-challenge), half were vaccinated for PRRS, and half were not. Results indicate that vaccination for PRRS resulted in slower growth prior to co-infection and that the AB WUR genotype was associated with faster growth prior to co-infection, lower PRRS VL, and lower PCV2b VL in vaccinated pigs.
Keywords: ASL R3031, Animal Science
How to Cite:
Dunkelberger, J. R., Serão, N. V., Kerrigan, M., Lunney, J., Rowland, B. & Dekkers, J. C., (2015) “Effect of WUR Genotype and PRRS Vaccination on Pigs Co-Infected with PRRS and PCV2b”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 12(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-1359
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