Effects of Dietary Cholesterol and its Oxidation Products on Pathological Lesions and Cholesterol and Lipid Oxidation in the Rabbit Liver
The effects of dietary cholesterol (CHO) and cholesterol oxidation productions (COPs) on the induction of pathological lesions in rabbit liver tissues were determined. Rabbits were fed with a chow containing no additives or added with 1 g CHO, 2 g CHO, 0.9 g CHO + 0.1 COPs, 0.8 g CHO + 0.2 g COPs, 0.5 g CHO + 0.5 g COPs, 1.6 g CHO + 0.4 g COPs, or 1.2 g CHO + 0.8 g COPs per kg diet. Liver lesions were induced only when the levels of CHO and COPs in the diet were very high. The amount of CHO in the liver increased when dietary CHO was increased; by comparison, dietary COPs affected liver CHO amounts to a lesser extent. The TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) value of the liver samples also increased when dietary CHO and COP levels were elevated, and the TBARS value was more strongly affected by the amount of COPs in the diet than by the amount of CHO. At 6 and 12 weeks, COP levels were highest in the group that received 1.2 g CHO + 0.8 g COPs, followed by the 0.5 g CHO + 0.5 g COPs and 1.6 g CHO + 0.4 g COPs groups; the control (0 g) group showed the lowest COP levels among all groups. This indicated that not only dietary CHO but also COPs were involved in hypercholesterolemia-induced liver lesions when the amount of CHO and COPs was high.
Keywords: Animal Science, ASL R3006
How to Cite:
Hur, S., Seo, K. & Ahn, D. U., (2015) “Effects of Dietary Cholesterol and its Oxidation Products on Pathological Lesions and Cholesterol and Lipid Oxidation in the Rabbit Liver”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 12(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-1349
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