GenSim: Simulation of Descendants from Sequenced Ancestors Data
High-density real or imputed SNP genotypes are now routinely used for genomic prediction and genome-wide association studies. This is extending to the use of actual or imputed next generation sequence data in these activities. Simulation studies are useful to mimic these complex scenarios and test different analytical methods. We have developed a software tool GenSim to simulate sequence data in descendants. In this software, a crossover position and origin simulation (CPOS) algorithm is implemented to efficiently drop down sequence data from founders in complex pedigrees. Parallel programming techniques are used to reduce computing time.
Keywords: ASL R2955, Animal Science
How to Cite:
Cheng, H., Fernando, R. L. & Garrick, D. J., (2015) “GenSim: Simulation of Descendants from Sequenced Ancestors Data”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 12(1). doi:
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