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Does Gener Impact the Immune Response of Chicks?

  • Melissa S. Herrmann (Iowa State University)
  • Rodrigo A. Gallardo (University of California, Davis)
  • David A. Bunn (University of Delaware)
  • David A. Bunn (University of California, Davis)
  • Terra R. Kelly (University of California, Davis)
  • Jack C. M. Dekkers (Iowa State University)


Sequencing technology allows us tosee how the gene expression of each genechanges under different treatment conditions. In this study, chicks of two inbred lines were challenged with Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV), a pathogen with devastating impacts on poultry throughout the world. At each of the three time points post-infection, one-third of the chicks were sacraficed and their lungs were harvested. When comparing males and females infected with NDV, differences in gene expression that were predicted to impact growth and apoptosis were identified. Differences between the response of males and females to viral challenges could be useful information for production operations. The interaction between production traits and immune related traits require further study.

How to Cite:

Herrmann, M. S., Gallardo, R. A., Bunn, D. A., Bunn, D. A., Kelly, T. R. & Dekkers, J. C., (2017) “Does Gener Impact the Immune Response of Chicks?”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 14(1). doi:

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