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Estimating Genetic Parameters for Growth and Response to Infection with La Sota lentogenic Newcastle Disease Virus Strain in Local Chicken Breeds in Ghana and Tanzania

  • Esinam Nancy Amuzu-Aweh (University of Ghana)
  • Boniface Babore Kayang (University of Ghana)
  • Amandus Pachificus Muhairwa (Sokoine Univeristy of Agriculture)
  • Huaijun Zhou (University of California, Davis)
  • Rodrigo Gallardo (University of California, Davis)
  • Tara Kelly (University of California, Davis)
  • Susan J. Lamont (Iowa State University)
  • Jack C. M. Dekkers (Iowa State University)


The local chicken industries in Ghana, Tanzania and several other African countries are greatly affected by mortalities due to Newcastle disease (ND). We tested local ecotypes/breeds in Ghana and Tanzania for genetic variation in growth rate and antibody levels after infection with a La Sota lentogenic ND virusstrain.We identifiedheritable variation in ND virus antibody levels, and in pre-, and post-infection growth rates, which implies that with selective breeding, genetic improvement is possible. One of the Ghanaian ecotypes had a faster growth rate than the otherecotypes, both pre-and post-infection. We however did not find significant differences between the Tanzanian breeds. Results from this study can be used to improveresistance to ND virus inthe local chicken breeds in Ghana and Tanzania, improving food security in these African countries.

How to Cite:

Amuzu-Aweh, E. N., Kayang, B. B., Muhairwa, A. P., Zhou, H., Gallardo, R., Kelly, T., Lamont, S. J. & Dekkers, J. C., (2017) “Estimating Genetic Parameters for Growth and Response to Infection with La Sota lentogenic Newcastle Disease Virus Strain in Local Chicken Breeds in Ghana and Tanzania”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 14(1). doi:

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