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Evaluation of Experimental vs. Two Commercial Post Milking Teat Dips (Separate Pens) on Teat Health and Condition

  • Heather Tauke (Iowa State University)
  • Leo L. Timms (Iowa State University)


A trial was conducted to evaluate the teat conditioning efficacy of one experimentalformula when used post-milking. The trial consisted of two pens, where the samepre-milking teat disinfectant was used. The same experimental post milking teatdisinfectant was used on the leftquarters for both pens. However, two differentcontrol products were used on the rightquarters, one for each pen. The study lasted 4weeks for one pen and 8 weeks for the second pen. Teat skin and teat endroughness were scored for each teat 2X/week. A total of 75 cows from one penand 67 cows from the second pen were scored during the study period, but only 19cows from one pen and 30 cows from the second pen had full records for analyses.Results showed no concerning teat skin condition irritation events. There were nodifferences between products in teat end condition.

How to Cite:

Tauke, H. & Timms, L. L., (2017) “Evaluation of Experimental vs. Two Commercial Post Milking Teat Dips (Separate Pens) on Teat Health and Condition”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 14(1). doi:

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