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Research in Progress: On-Farm Storage of Ethanol Co-Products

  • Beth E. Doran (Iowa State University)
  • David Pingel (Iowa State University)
  • Daniel D. Loy (Iowa State University)
  • Allen Trenkle (Iowa State University)


In the past four years, five new dry-mill ethanol plants have been constructed in the northwest Iowa, and another one is under construction. These six mills will process 82 million bushels of corn to produce 217 million gallons of ethanol and almost 700,000 tons of co-products. In the production of one million gallons of ethanol yearly, almost 9 tons of co-product are produced daily. Consequently, the daily marketing of ethanol co-products is important.

Livestock producers, who take delivery of the coproducts on a regular basis, are using various storage methods and management schemes. Unfortunately, research in the storage of dry-mill ethanol co-products on-farm is in its infancy, and there are many questions yet to be addressed. The Department of Animal Science at ISU began this on-farm research to help determine nutritional and storage losses of ethanol co-products stored on-farm. This research involved four on-farm storage trials.

Keywords: Animal Science

How to Cite:

Doran, B. E., Pingel, D., Loy, D. D. & Trenkle, A., (2005) “Research in Progress: On-Farm Storage of Ethanol Co-Products”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2(1). doi:

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