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Efficacy of Pantothenic Acid as a Modifier of Body Composition in a Porcine Model of Obesity Development

  • C. A. Baldwin (Iowa State University)
  • Tim S. Stahly (Iowa State University)


Our group’s previous research has shown that pantothenic acid (PA) fed in amounts above that needed to maximize body growth effectively reduce fat tissue accretion in pigs. In the current study, the efficacy of PA to minimize fatty tissue accretion in a porcine model of obesity development was determined. Heavy weight pigs (156 kg) were allotted to one of four dietary regimens consisting of a basal diet (8 ppm PA) supplemented with 0, 80, 800, 8000 ppm added PA. The basal diet contained a dietary nutrient mix representative of the American diet (34 % of calories from fat) at daily caloric intakes equivalent to 1.8 times the animal’s maintenance needs for 144 days.

A state of obesity development occurred over the duration of the study. Specifically, pigs accrued 73 kg of body weight, of which 48 % was fat tissue. Whole body fat tissue content responded quadratically to increasing PA additions. Body fat percentage was reduced by .9 percentage units by the 80 ppm added PA and increased by 1.6 and 1.1 percentage units by the 800 and 8000 ppm added PA. Based on these data, PA is not an efficient modifier of body composition in a porcine model of obesity development induced by a high fat dietary regimen.

Keywords: Animal Science

How to Cite:

Baldwin, C. A. & Stahly, T. S., (2005) “Efficacy of Pantothenic Acid as a Modifier of Body Composition in a Porcine Model of Obesity Development”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2(1). doi:

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