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Update from Animal Science Teaching Section

  • M. Douglas Kenealy (Iowa State University)


Animal Science undergraduate admissions for each of the 2005 and 2006 academic years increased dramatically, impacting laboratory space, teaching demands and advising loads. Placement rates and starting salaries for graduates of animal and dairy science remained excellent.

Major curriculum revisions were implemented in calendar 2005. The primary result of the curriculum changes is a set of revitalized sophomore and senior species-related courses in animal production and enterprise management. These changes also led to major increases in enrollment from students from other departments in the College of Agriculture. Additionally, the changes increased significantly the number of agriculture majors electing animal science minors.

The new ISU Dairy nears completion and planning for a new multi-purpose animal pavilion is in the early stages. It is predicted that each of these building programs will also have a positive impact on enrollment. The college responded to the dramatically increased teaching/advising load in the department by granting increased teaching support for the coming calendar year.

Keywords: ASL R2242

How to Cite:

Kenealy, M. D., (2007) “Update from Animal Science Teaching Section”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 4(1). doi:

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