Characteristics of Separated Manure Solids Following Anaerobic Digestion or After Composting for Dairy Freestall Bedding Use (preliminary data)
This summary provides preliminary data regarding dry matter content and environmental mastitis pathogen counts in separated manure solids following anaerobic digestion, after composting, and used in free stalls for bedding. These data are part of a larger trial evaluating the characteristics of separated manure solids, starting from the raw product (manure) and following the material through it’s usage in stalls, including its overall impact on herd health performance, and economics, and provide insight into proper conditions and management techniques that are necessary to make this technology successful both now and in the future.
Keywords: ASL R2203
How to Cite:
Timms, L. L., Meyer, D. J. & Kinyon, J. M., (2007) “Characteristics of Separated Manure Solids Following Anaerobic Digestion or After Composting for Dairy Freestall Bedding Use (preliminary data)”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 4(1). doi:
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