Ammonia and Particulate Matter Emissions from a Tom Turkey Barn in Iowa
Air emissions (NH3, PM10, and PM2.5) from a tom turkey grow-out barn (60 x 335 ft) in Iowa have been continually quantified for one year, involving 3 grow-out flocks of toms grown from 35 to 140 days of age. Daily emission rate (ER) varied from 0.04 to 6.4 g/bird-d for NH3, from 0.04 to 1.6 g/bird-d for PM10, and from 0.002 to 0.137 g/bird-d for PM2.5. Cumulative emissions for flock 1, 2, and 3, expressed as grams per bird marketed, were, respectively, 215, 143, and 126 for NH3; 64, 22, and 33 for PM10; and 5.4, 2.2, and 4.7 for PM2.5. The annual mean cumulative emissions (including downtime emissions) were 157 g NH3, 37 g PM10, and 3.9 g PM2.5 per bird marketed.
Keywords: ASL R2449
How to Cite:
Li, H., Xin, H. & Burns, R. T., (2009) “Ammonia and Particulate Matter Emissions from a Tom Turkey Barn in Iowa”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 6(1). doi:
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