Effects of Geometric Shape and Serving Temperature on Quality Characteristics of Irradiated Bologna and Frankfurters
The effects of irradiation (1.1 kGy, and 2.2 kGy) on bologna and frankfurters were measured to determine if variations in geometric size create differences in quality of irradiated ready-to-eat meats. Irradiation up to 2.2 kGy had no effect on color, TBARS values, pH, or texture of vacuum packaged bologna and frankfurters. Irradiation significantly (P < 0.05) lowered aroma and flavor scores while increasing off-aroma and off-flavor scores in product served cold, but was not significant when the product was served hot. Geometric size did not create differences in quality of irradiated bologna and frankfurters but serving temperature did. New information on the effects of processing variables and product differences would provide opportunities to improve control of potential quality changes from irradiation of Ready-to-Eat (RTE) meat products.
Keywords: ASL R2391
How to Cite:
Krause, A., Olson, D. G., Sebranek, J. G. & Mendonca, A. F., (2009) “Effects of Geometric Shape and Serving Temperature on Quality Characteristics of Irradiated Bologna and Frankfurters”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 6(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-890
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