Feed Particle Separation Due to Feed Delivery and Time in Feed Bunk and Effects on Cattle Performance
By utilizing a Penn State feed particle separation box, consistency of feed wagon deliveries can be assessed and performance differences between pens explained in some situations. This study revealed a feed wagon that tended to unload a slightly higher level of the bulkier feed ingredients toward the end of the unloading process and thus those animals receiving the first portions tended to have a higher caloric intake per unit of ration and subsequent greater rate of weight gain because of this bias. We therefore consider it imperative to evaluate a feed wagon’s delivery characteristics prior to use in order to maintain an acceptable level of quality control in ration delivery.
Keywords: ASL R2422
How to Cite:
Dahlke, G. & Strohbehn, D. R., (2009) “Feed Particle Separation Due to Feed Delivery and Time in Feed Bunk and Effects on Cattle Performance”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 6(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-434
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