Grow-Finish Pigs Activity Levels When Fed Using a Feed Intake Recording Equipment (F.I.R.E.) Feeder
The objective of this study was to determine the appropriate hours during the day to score for grow-finish pigs in the main pen over a 24-h period when fed using a Feed Intake Recording Equipment feeder (FIRE ® ; Osborne Industries, Inc., Osborne, KS). This study used purebred Yorkshire grow-finish pigs that were housed in a conventional style finisher unit. Active category was created by combing standing, drinking and toy, which were analyzed over a 24-h period. These categories were then used to determine general activity patterns of the pigs. For activity level over time grow-finish pigs engaged in higher (P < 0.05) levels of activity during the 0900 and 1000 hours. Activity levels declined during the 1100 and 1200 hours; increasing again from 1300 until 1900. Activity levels stayed low until a short increase at 0100 and then remained low for 7 hours. Therefore when looking at activity patterns of purebred grow-finish Yorkshires fed under these conditions, it would be advantageous to observe the hours from 0900 through 1900 respectively.
Keywords: ASL R2468
How to Cite:
Sadler, L. J., Johnson, A. K., Newton, J., Stalder, K. J. & Dekkers, J. C., (2009) “Grow-Finish Pigs Activity Levels When Fed Using a Feed Intake Recording Equipment (F.I.R.E.) Feeder”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 6(1). doi:
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