Iowa Beef Center
- Dan D. Loy (Iowa State University)
- Patrick J. Gunn (Iowa State University)
- Beth E. Doran (Iowa State University)
- Russ M. Euken (Iowa State University)
- Denise L. Schwab (Iowa State University)
- Chris A. Clark (Iowa State University)
- Joe Sellers (Iowa State University)
- Patrick B. Wall (Iowa State University)
- Garland R. Dahlke (Iowa State University)
- Sherry Hoyer (Iowa State University)
- Erika L. Lundy (Iowa State University)
- Lee L Schulz (Iowa State University)
- Grant A. Dewell (Iowa State University)
The Iowa Beef Center (IBC) is Iowa State University’s extension and outreach program to cattle producers. Our center has a dedicated group of faculty and staff from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. We work together to develop and deliver the latest research-based information to improve the profitability and vitality of Iowa’s beef industry.
Keywords: Iowa Beef Center, Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine
How to Cite:
Loy, D. D., Gunn, P. J., Doran, B. E., Euken, R. M., Schwab, D. L., Clark, C. A., Sellers, J., Wall, P. B., Dahlke, G. R., Hoyer, S., Lundy, E. L., Schulz, L. L. & Dewell, G. A., (2016) “Iowa Beef Center”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 13(1). doi:
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