Use of Glucagon to Prevent and Treat Fatty Liver in Transition Dairy Cows
Because of the relationship of fatty liver to increase health problems and decreased productive and reproductive performance, scientists can improve the profitability of dairy farmers by developing nutritional and management technologies for preventing and treating fatty liver. Our research group has demonstrated that glucagon shows much promise for use in preventing and treating fatty liver in transition cows. Moreover, we have data to indicate that ultrasound technology can be used to estimate the incidence of fatty liver within a dairy herd. The development of a slow-release form of glucagon would seem necessary before adoption of our proposed glucagon technology is adopted by the dairy industry.
Keywords: ASL R1903
How to Cite:
Beitz, D. C., Young, J. W., Hippen, A. R. & Nafikov, R. A., (2004) “Use of Glucagon to Prevent and Treat Fatty Liver in Transition Dairy Cows”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1). doi:
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