Overview of Dairy Cattle Breeding
The overall objectives of dairy cattle breeding research are to generate new knowledge and to provide this information to breeders in Iowa and the nation. We are attempting to accomplish this by developing new knowledge that will be of value in the future and also have information that can be provided to the breeding industry to answer present-day problems. Because more than 70% of the dairy cattle in the United States are bred artificially, our work will have more impact if it can eventually be applied through the artificial insemination (AI) industry and breed associations. A great deal of research and groundwork needs to be done before research can be applied on an industry-wide basis.
Keywords: ASL R1893
How to Cite:
Freeman, A. G. & Berger, P. J., (2004) “Overview of Dairy Cattle Breeding”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-103
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