Downwind Air Quality Measurements From Poultry and Livestock Facilities
Air samples were collected at and downwind from poultry, dairy and swine facilities during two summer sampling periods. Samples were analyzed, onsite, by an electronic nose and a Jerome meter for H2S concentration. Collected air samples were analyzed using olfactometry and gas chromatography. Data were analyzed to determine specie and site differences for gaseous concentrations and odor. From collected data, equations for downwind concentrations for gaseous compounds and odor were developed. Prediction equations for odor were developed from analytes quantified by gas chromatography. Correlations between olfactometry measures and both electronic nose and gaseous concentrations were determined. H2S was best correlated to odor. Climatic conditions influenced odor, H2S and gaseous compound concentrations.
Management practices are an important factor in determining emissions from animal feeding operations; perhaps of equal or greater importance than the specie itself. Identification of specific compounds that likely contribute to malodor and, in particular, relate to observed differences in odors emanating from production facilities of different species, can be used in conjunction with specie-specific siting tools. Concentrations of particulates and gases generated from this study will be used to further develop such tools.
Keywords: ASL R1927
How to Cite:
Powers, W. J. & Bastyr, S., (2004) “Downwind Air Quality Measurements From Poultry and Livestock Facilities”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1). doi:
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