Influence of Hide Thickness on the Ability to Predict Percent Intramuscular Fat with Real-time Ultrasound in Beef Cattle
Seven hundred forty (740) head of cattle were scanned with real-time ultrasound. Models developed by Iowa State University were used to predict percent intramuscular fat on these cattle. Hide thickness was also measured on each animal and the relationship between hide thickness and accuracy of predicting percent intramuscular fat with ultrasound was evaluated. Overall, hide thickness has little effect on accuracy of ultrasound to predict percent intramuscular fat. However some particular groups (i.e. thick hided cattle scanned with Aloka technology) may be prone to underestimation of percent intramuscular fat with ultrasound.
Keywords: ASL R1874
How to Cite:
Tait, R. G., Lukavsky, C., Rouse, G. H., Wilson, D. E. & Hassen, A. T., (2004) “Influence of Hide Thickness on the Ability to Predict Percent Intramuscular Fat with Real-time Ultrasound in Beef Cattle”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1). doi:
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