Update from Animal Science Teaching Section
Placement rates for graduates of animal science remained strong in 2003. The sources of recruits and interests of students continue to shift. Community college transfers and urban high school students have become a larger segment of the animal science student population at Iowa State University (ISU). These students have different needs and interests in education. Transfer students may need to compact most of their animal science courses into two years at ISU, while Urban students tend to have a greater interest in courses in equine and companion animal studies. Times of change should be viewed positively as an opportunity for the animal science faculty to evaluate teaching programs in relation to traditional and new career markets for graduates.
How to Cite:
Kenealy, M. D., (2004) “Update from Animal Science Teaching Section”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-764
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