Costs of Implementing Genome-enabled Selection in Swine
Using genomic information to determine an animal’s genetic merit at the molecular level can improve estimated breeding value (EBV) accuracy when compared to an EBV based solely on phenotypic records. However, genomeenabled selection is expensive and the increase in rate of genetic gain must be large enough to offset the costs associated with incorporating genome-enabled selection into a breeding program. A flexible spreadsheet tool developed from this work can be utilized to estimate the returns needed to recover additional costs associated with genome-enabled selection by modifying the input values such as herd size and genotyping strategy to represent the specific design of any production system.
Keywords: ASL R2827
How to Cite:
Abell, C. E., Dekkers, J. C., Rothschild, M. F., Mabry, J. W. & Stalder, K. J., (2013) “Costs of Implementing Genome-enabled Selection in Swine”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 10(1). doi:
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