Iowa State University Dairy Farm—2005 Review
The Iowa State University Dairy Farm continues to be a vital and vibrant asset to all 3 missions of our land grant heritage (learning, discovery, and engagement) as well as the Iowa Dairy Industry and the national and international dairy communities. Learning opportunities have abounded for ISU students in Animal and Dairy Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, as well as local community colleges. Engagement and outreach has touched young (Animal Science Roundup) to adult (BRM training), and local (school tours) to international (visitors from around the world). Research related to improvement of the dairy industry is still a major mission with on going projects across all disciplines (genetics, nutrition, etc.) and animal age groups (calves through milking and dry cows). The herd is doing exceptionally well due to a great manager and farm personnel. Herd statistics (Dec. 2005) are: milk rolling herd average of 23,532 lbs. /cow, SCC of 93,000 cells/ml, 20 % pregnancy rate, and a 27% cull rate. Combining these all result into a fantastic asset looking forward to a great 2006 and to their new dairy facility in 2007.
Keywords: ASL R2108
How to Cite:
Timms, L. L., (2006) “Iowa State University Dairy Farm—2005 Review”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 3(1). doi:
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