The Market for Goat Meat in Siouxland
A demand/supply mismatch characterizes the market for goat meat in the Siouxland region of western Iowa. Onfarm purchasing satisfies some but not all demand. The consumer market is small and growing, but also highly segmented by specific consumer preferences as to goat age, seasonal use, cut, and slaughter practices. The absence of fresh goat meat in retail outlets is a “catch 22” situation: more would eat goat meat if it were more readily available, but grocers who have stocked it report slow turnover and subsequent spoilage or expiration in the freezer. The ability of Iowa producers to capitalize on emerging demand is also limited by inexpensive imports from New Zealand and Australia.
Keywords: ASL R2141
How to Cite:
Lewis, H. & Wells, B. L., (2006) “The Market for Goat Meat in Siouxland”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 3(1). doi:
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