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Effect of Varying Trace Mineral Supplementation of Steers with or without Hormone Implants on Growth and Carcass Characteristics

  • Emma Niedermayer (Iowa State University)
  • Olivia N. Genther-Schroeder (Iowa State University)
  • Dan D. Loy (Iowa State University)
  • Stephanie L. Hansen (Iowa State University)


The utilization of hormone implants and the supplementation of trace minerals have become well adopted management strategies in the feedlot industry. When hormone implants increase rates of growth in feedlot cattle, this could increase the demand for trace minerals to support those rapid rates of growth. In this study, an aggressive implant strategy dramatically increased growth rates and HCW, without having negative effects on marbling score. It was also observed, regardless of hormone implant, trace mineral supplementation tended to increase overall ADG and steers supplemented at industry consultants recommended concentrations had a 33 lb increase in HCW compared to cattle that received no trace mineral supplementation. This would suggest that hormone implants remain a good return on investment and the current national trace mineral recommendations may not be adequate to support the optimum growth finishing beef steers.

How to Cite:

Niedermayer, E., Genther-Schroeder, O. N., Loy, D. D. & Hansen, S. L., (2018) “Effect of Varying Trace Mineral Supplementation of Steers with or without Hormone Implants on Growth and Carcass Characteristics”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 15(1). doi:

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