Dairy Directions Program Series Brings Information to Isolated Audiences
The vast majority of dairymen and dairy cows in northwest Iowa are in the six most north-westerly counties. That translates to most Extension dairy programs are proximal to the dairymen and cows. However, there are pockets of dairies in and around Sac and Pocahontas counties. A Dairy Directions workshop series was developed focused on current dairy issues and topics for these 2 areas. 32% of dairies in these areas attended (11 dairies and 25 dairy producers as well as employees and agribusiness). The workshop ranked highly and was very successful with knowledge gained in all subject areas and presentations based on a pre-post meeting evaluation. Participants expressed interest in this series continuing and defined topics for future sessions.
How to Cite:
Hall, F. M. & Ramirez, H., (2018) “Dairy Directions Program Series Brings Information to Isolated Audiences”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 15(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-362
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