Using Testis Size in Boars as an Indicator Trait for Farrowing Performance in Sows
Genetic improvement of reproductive traits is challenging due to their low heritability. The identification of an alternative trait that is correlated with reproductive traits and is highly heritable could be used as a selection tool to improve reproductive efficiency in pigs. In this study, we observed that testis size is highly heritable and that the daughters of sires with larger testis size have greater litter size. Selection of sires with adequate testis size may improve reproductive efficiency in the swine industry.
How to Cite:
Serão, N. V., Sanglard, L. P. & Leach, R. J., (2019) “Using Testis Size in Boars as an Indicator Trait for Farrowing Performance in Sows”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 16(1).
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