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Feedlot Nutrition and Growth and Management

Effect of Feeding Procedure and Intake Level on Steer Feedlot Performance and Carcass Composition: A Progress Report

  • T. M. Delehant (Iowa State University)
  • M. P. Hoffman (Iowa State University)


Two feedlot trials were conducted to evaluate the effects of feeding frequency (once daily in the morning, once daily in the afternoon or twice daily) and feeding level (ad libitum, 95% of ad libitum, or 90% of ad libitum) on the feedlot performance and carcass composition of beef steers. Data were collected using 196 yearling beef steers. In both trials cattle fed once daily in the morning tended to have higher gains and better feed efficiencies than cattle fed once daily in the afternoon or cattle fed twice daily. Overall, cattle restricted to 95% and 90% of ad libitum intake levels had better feed efficiencies than cattle with ad libitum access to feed. Cattle fed once daily in the morning tended to have less backfat than cattle fed once daily in the afternoon or cattle fed twice daily.

Keywords: ASL R1344

How to Cite:

Delehant, T. M. & Hoffman, M. P., (1997) “Effect of Feeding Procedure and Intake Level on Steer Feedlot Performance and Carcass Composition: A Progress Report”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).

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