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Feedlot Nutrition and Growth and Management

Responses to Adding Fat to Corn-Based Diets Supplemented with Urea and Soybean Meal for Finishing Steers

  • Allen Trenkle (Iowa State University)


Yearling steers were fed corn-based diets supplemented with urea or soybean meal plus urea, and none, 2%, or 4% fat. All steers were implanted with Revalorâ-S and fed for 118 days. Adding fat did not improve performance of the steers in the feedlot or improve carcass characteristics. Feeding soybean meal increased rate of gain, improved feed efficiency, increased carcass weight, and tended to improve carcass quality grades compared with feeding urea. Adding 4% fat decreased feed intake, suggesting that corn-based diets may contain enough oil to approach the quantity of fat that can be utilized effectively in a ruminant diet.

Keywords: ASL R1341

How to Cite:

Trenkle, A., (1997) “Responses to Adding Fat to Corn-Based Diets Supplemented with Urea and Soybean Meal for Finishing Steers”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).

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