Field Implementation of Ultrasound Beef Quality Grading Technology: A Progress Report on Technology Transfer
Iowa State University’s technology of ultrasound prediction of intramuscular percentage of fat in Longissimus dorsi muscle of live beef cattle has been integrated into a software program, copyrighted by the ISU Research Foundation, Inc., and licensed to a commercial company. ISU has ported its workstationbased research software components to a PC-based single software module for field use. This module is being integrated with the scanning and batchprocessing software developed by the licensee. This progress report summarizes the current status of ISU’s technology transfer.
Keywords: ASL R1326
How to Cite:
Amin, V. R., Wilson, D. E. & Rouse, G. H., (1997) “Field Implementation of Ultrasound Beef Quality Grading Technology: A Progress Report on Technology Transfer”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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