Implementation of National Cattle Evaluation Programs for Growth and Maternal Traits
Beginning with the fall 1997 sire evaluation, Iowa State University will be responsible for the genetic evaluation not only of carcass traits but also of growth and maternal traits for the American Angus Association. National Cattle Evaluation Programs were implemented according to the guidelines of the Beef Improvement Federation. Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) for birth weight, weaning weight, postweaning gain, and yearling height were estimated from several single-trait and multiple-trait animal models using computer programs developed at ISU. A test run was conducted using the data for the spring 1997 sire evaluation, and EPDs were compared to those estimated at the University of Georgia from the same data base.
Keywords: ASL R1534
How to Cite:
Dodenhoff, J. & Wilson, D. E., (1999) “Implementation of National Cattle Evaluation Programs for Growth and Maternal Traits”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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