Progress Report: Centralized Ultrasound Processing
In January of 1998 Iowa State University began a twoyear cooperative research pilot project with the American Angus Association (AAA). The purpose was to organize the collection and interpretation of ultrasound images and calculate Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) for genetic improvement of carcass traits using the ultrasound data. The first Centralized Ultrasound Processing (CUP) center was established and located at Iowa State Universtiy. In 1998 a select group of ultrasound technicians was trained following a unique protocol for the collection of ultrasound images including rump fat thickness, rib fat thickness, ribeye area and % intramuscular fat (marbling). Images for over 9,000 head of bulls, steers, replacement heifers and feedlot heifers were received and processed through the CUP laboratory during 1998. Many of the results of these data can be found in ASL R1625.
Keywords: ASL R1626
How to Cite:
Hays, C. L., Wilson, D. E. & Rouse, G., (2000) “Progress Report: Centralized Ultrasound Processing”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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