Effects of Dietary Energy Density on Diet and Nutrient Digestibility in Beef Cattle Diets
Steers were fed diets containing energy concentrations of 2.4, 2.7, or 3.0 Mcal of ME/kg of DM to evaluate nutrient and diet digestibility and to determine the existence of associative effects when feeding diets with varying forage and concentrate ratios. The steers were placed in metabolism crates for total fecal collection. Dry matter digestibility was higher for diets with greater energy density. The 2.7 Mcal/kg diet showed a small negative associative effect on digestibility and the non-fiber carbohydrate fraction was the nutrient that had an inhibition on digestion. The results indicated that diets varying in concentration of forage and concentrate may have different digestibilities and nutritional values.
Keywords: ASL R1831, Animal Science
How to Cite:
Ribeiro-Filho, C. C., Trenkle, A. H. & Loy, D. D., (2003) “Effects of Dietary Energy Density on Diet and Nutrient Digestibility in Beef Cattle Diets”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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