Effect of Muscle Type, Packaging, and Irradiation on Lipid Oxidation, Volatile Production, and Color in Raw Pork Patties
Irradiation and high fat content accelerated the lipid oxidation in raw meat during storage. Oxygen availability during storage, however, was more important than irradiation on the lipid oxidation and color values of raw patties. Irradiated meat produced more volatiles than nonirradiated patties, and the proportion of volatiles varied by the packagingirradiation conditions of patties. Irradiation produced many unidentified volatiles that could be responsible for the off-odor in irradiated raw meat. No single volatile components but total volatiles, however, could be used to predict lipid oxidation status of raw meat. The results show that if patties are vacuumpackaged before irradiation and during storage, raw patties can be stored for 2 weeks without problems in lipid oxidation. Many volatile components produced by irradiation were not directly related to the lipid oxidation status of raw meat but were related to the irradiation odor. Identification of these components would shed light on the mechanisms and the source of the volatiles produced by irradiation
Keywords: ASL R1525
How to Cite:
Ahn, D. U., Olson, D. G., Jo, C., Chen, X., Wu, C. & Lee, J. I., (1998) “Effect of Muscle Type, Packaging, and Irradiation on Lipid Oxidation, Volatile Production, and Color in Raw Pork Patties”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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