Body Composition and Sensory Characteristics of Pork from CLA-Fed Pigs
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) improved carcass characteristics of pork by decreasing backfat and increasing fat hardness (firmness). CLA also improved the color of pork loin chops and patties both initially and over retail storage time. Combined, these carcass composition and sensory characteristic improvements could provide processors and consumers a more desirable product. The increase in fat hardness should provide processors with bellies that have improved sliceability and consumers with bacon that holds its shape when cooked
Keywords: ASL R1614
How to Cite:
Thiel-Cooper, R. L., Parrish, F. C., Wiegand, B. R. & Love, J. A., (1999) “Body Composition and Sensory Characteristics of Pork from CLA-Fed Pigs”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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