Effect of Frequency of Swine Manure Application on the Yield of Corn and Soybean
This study was conducted to find the effect of the frequency of liquid swine manure application on the yield of corn and soybean grown in rotation. The results suggest that all the nitrogen (N) in the swine manure is available for plant uptake the year that it is applied. This is new information that will be incorporated into new recommendations for animal manure management. Soybean yields responded to manure application even though the field tested high in both phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The reason for the response cannot be determined from these data. Further research is warranted into this question. These data strongly suggest that soybean is a good crop to receive animal manure applications.
Keywords: ASL R1593
How to Cite:
Killorn, R., (1999) “Effect of Frequency of Swine Manure Application on the Yield of Corn and Soybean”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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