Effect of Beta-carotene on Reproductive Performance in Swine
Injection of beta-carotene did not alter live litter size, total born, number born dead, number of stillborn pigs, and number of mummified pigs in this study. Number of pigs weaned and litter weaning weight also were not significantly different (P>.05). Furthermore, no significant interactions between parity and beta-carotene injection were observed. The commercial herds that were evaluated had already achieved high levels of reproductive performance. Average number of pigs born alive pretreatment was 10.51. These herds were under excellent management and the breeding herd was in superior condition. Perhaps the treatment would be more successful in situations where the sow herds have lower reproductive performance. Use of beta-carotene should be a farm by farm decision, using records to warrant and to verify the effectiveness of betacarotene treatment.
Keywords: ASL R1553
How to Cite:
Stender, D., Irvin, R. & Baas, T. J., (1999) “Effect of Beta-carotene on Reproductive Performance in Swine”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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